Friday, February 29, 2008 @ 4:44 pm
Fuji's Birthday <333
WHICH MEANS...............
Friday, February 22, 2008 @ 6:30 pm
Nanchiau Girls' School
Got my new phone today xD
FINALLY~ don't have to use that lan bong Samsung E360 which is actually rather good in the sense that I drop it multiple times a day and it's still usable. Only thing wrong about it is that I can't speak over the phone. Means when having phone conversations I talk you can't hear (fantastic English) . Which is why I always reject calls.
...... (HAHA Ms Lim was telling us about excessive use of ellipsis. Sorry I know noone gets it. xP)
Common test... horrible.
I'm gonna fail......... (AHAHAHAHAHA)
A Math E Math Literature HMT Biology.
At least the English Compo..... (*stifles laughter*)
21/30. Not bad right? HARHAR. ._.
I know I'm strange.
Btw Pong dropped one of those "diamonds" on the thing me and fred gave her for her birthday after using it for..... 1 miserable day.
Ain't that wonderful?
And here's something impossibly hilarious:
There's a link to Kumar's standup comedy also if you are interested.
Oh and this I-assume-everyone-has-watched-before video:
Haha enjoy =)
Thursday, February 07, 2008 @ 11:53 pm
pfft lols.
Went to watch Kongfu Slam Dunk yesterday after the tuan yuan fan (reunion dinner).
It was damn hilarious and exaggerated with plenty of dialect.
Not bad lah can watch.
Unfortunately, there was this extremely irritating woman sitting right in front of me who keep leaning waaaaay too back to be considerate. Felt like slapping her. The row of seats we were in was narrower by quite alot than the others and as if there was an abundance of space that idiot keep rocking, no, leaning back and bouncing (?. sorta. this word DOES NOT suit her at all.) and keep hitting my knees with the back of the chair(?). LIEK HELLO?! People legs long not happy isit. Then I got damn fed-up and stuck my leg there to block the chair when she "prepared" to lean back and then after awhile i suddenly let go and gave her a huge shock 'cause the seat fell back suddenly. Haha. I won't have to do it if she wasn't being a total -insert your own word- and pissing me off. But, hurhur, she was the one who started it. And I had to put up with her for 30mins of the movie. before I got totally fed-up and went: What the heck can that woman in front be any more considerate than she already is, purposely leaning back to knock others' leg.
And guess what. We took the same lift as she did with her family (btw she's like, 40+) and exited on the same floor so I had to put up with her face and her grossly permed hair. Ugh.
Sunday, February 03, 2008 @ 9:32 pm
It's time to do a self-reflection.
If this is what it's called.
Okay this may sound very pfft, but I'm ratehr serious about it.
I don't see anything :) about myself.
As far as I can see, I've got no significant talent. Or whatever you call that.
I see plenty of :(( though.
Let's start with....
Yes... bad temper.
I'm not trying to say that im all that good or anything, but I do feel that I have changed, even if some don't see it. Well, I am trying hard to change as I know it's bad.
I can still vividly remember the violent piece of **** I was in primary school. When I was angry, I tend to throw/hit things, or smack people.
*shudders*( hey I'm just cold xD okay bet you din't get that)
After going through angry-management courses and therapy... UH I MEAN after some self-reflection, er... realised violence is bad. BAD. uh-huh.
So I er, became less violent?
So now... I still get worked up quite easily but usually the anger don't last long and after awhile I will really want to laugh at some random things but kept that stern(?) and pissed look even though I'm not really fuming inside.
I tend to openly show my emotions because I feel that keeping too much emotion to yourself or something like that is really unhealthy.
But obviously I do have some thoughts and feelings about certain issues that I keep to myself. And when I keep too much of those inside I will become even crankier than ever. Which is bad.
Very bad.
Also, although I am very sensitive to what people say/comment/blah, I don't think I'm very sensitive (or sensitive at all) to others' feelings. Maybe I'm just dumb, but 70% or more of the time I can't sense what the other person's thinking. So sometimes I get the wrong message and talk crap. That is when I become impossibly irritating and like a brat. Jerk. Yeah.
I think too much into some things, probably because I care alot about what my friends think about me. That's... bad? Okay. I'm an irritating ass to be around with, because I'm so clueless about others' emotions and keep blabbering on and on about nothing.
I am rather(very?) blunt straightforward and crap without thinking yet am clueless about things I can't control in my head being a total dumbass and obnoxious and blah and not self-conscious when I need to be yet overly self-conscious when I'm not supposed to be. I don't like that part of me and has been trying to change, but often, it's not as easy as it sounds. Try. Try. Fail.
Misunderstanding often gets the better of me.
But I know I'm not perfect. Obviously. Sometimes I think I'm a piece of ****. but never mind, ignore that.
Although I get all worked up and sensitive to some random tiny insignificant things, I can take the truth about myself. Provided that it's being told in a calm and I-don't-know-how-to-describe-it manner. I'm blunt and sharp (AHAA ._. bet you didnt' get that too), so if a friend finds fault with me, I think it's okay to spit it out right in my face. Okay maybe I will get angry and all that, but I WILL think about it. In any case, friends won't just randomly scream in your face for nothing, do they? They must mean for you to change if they bother to point our your faults. This shows that they care. And those are real friends.
Please, if any of my friends find faultSS with me, just say it. If I get overly worked up, point that out too. I know this means I'm relying quite alot on my friends to grow up, but well, sometimes I'm just plain blind to my own mistakes, or I see it, regret it, but don't know how to express... er... it. I need friends' (omfs I accidentally typed fiends just now. that's... wrong.) help to change o be a better person to make the world a better place (please ignore/forget the make world better place part). If any of friends out there need my help (can't do therapy though, sorry, since I need therapy myself...), feel free to ask. I will try my best, within my ablities.
I beg for forgiveness for my 无知ness, and so I beg for my friends out there to correct me. Please believe that I will try to change.
And please pardon the blabbering non-stop about my problems/needs/issues, 'cause I have no one else to turn to. I know that you guys have enough problems yourselves, so if you need me to shut-up, just scream that out loud. =) And I am sorry if I sometimes don't reply when you talk to me about some stuffs/problems. It is just that I don't know what to say or I don't know how to phrase what I'm thinking so to not say the wrong things or offend you, I chose to keep quiet and wait for you to continue. It is not that I don't take your words seriously; I do listen, but I can't really express my thoughts and feelings as some may find them offensive and such.
And I sincerely apologise for the "I'm being ignored". But that's because most of your friends... I don't know them. So I will walk off to find someone I know, 'cause I don't want to sit there with you and your friends being totally extra and having no idea what is happening. T.T
So... I'll end my post here.
Friday, February 01, 2008 @ 10:20 pm
Quite a happy week.
Alot of free periods to do homework so that I dont have to stay up until 3am everyday to do homework.
Today sang Happy Birthday many times. I still remember when Kenny's birthday we sang during every lesson. And he got damn pissed.
Happy birthday to Sufy Saufy Eldora and Fara.
Brought the green froggie pillow looking thing to give fara lols.
useful during maths lesson. sleep.
Nth to do. Shall post the pics of all my bromides. BAHAHAHA -.- ignore this part.

Credit to tigerbarb from SGCafe for the above pics.
Am i going to get killed for not asking for permission?

Bad photography skills = me.