Sunday, January 11, 2009 @ 10:03 pm
MEN'S FOIL INDIVIDUAL EVENT!Nope. Didn't win anything.But they fenced surprisingly well today.Super on-form.Or also because this time the competition not so strong.I'll post about it next time. Need sleep.
Saturday, January 10, 2009 @ 11:35 pm
NOVICES NOVICES NOVICES NOVICES NOVICES NOVICES!We(doesn't really include me? since I didn't really stand a chance) didn't win anything for the Individual event today.Apparently there were twice the usual number of applicants this time round.80+.YES.80+.WTF.Left the house at about 1205, was frigging pissed off because of the two stupid girls who hogged the GeneralTicketingMachine at the MRT station, and the unnecessarily LIGHT fencing bag of mine.Those aunties insisted on banging into me even after seeing that I, a particularly fat person is struggling with immensely light stuff. And tsk+ glare at me.Really pissed by the time I reached Clementi Sports Hall.Skip the unnecessary parts.Round Robin.My poole wasn't difficult, lucky me.First bout was against this really really REALLY small and cute little girl. 10 years old.In between her bouts she kept asking for apple juice apple juice no bubbles ahahahaha major cute.Round Robin results: 4-14-3 (Kept playing time first two bouts. Didn't fence properly D: Wasted too much time in between points.)5-14-55-4So lost one. Could've won. Blade failed at 4-3 after switching blades and a warning from the referee I didn't concentrate as much as I did before so end up 4-5.Too eager to win?And that girl was real strong. Physically.My physical strength is no match for any of the fencers I fenced.Shows how.... strengthless(?) I am. Weak isn't the right word I suppose.Just... no physical strength.AND YAY!RoundRobin Ranking was 16.Which is not bad. For me.First bout of Direct Elimination(DE) was against the 49th in ranking Z-Fencing person.Round of 64 (ohmygod.)I have no idea what the hell was I doing the first three minutes. During the 1min break HanXiong and FengYu came over to tell me this and that way to counter the ZFF girl all of which I knew I couldn't do. Then next 3min suddenly got the motivation to start attacking instead of waiting for her to attack.So yeah. Won.15-09.After 5-10min it's my second DE.Round of 32 (we usually start from here)Could hardly rest.Man that ACJC lady(? not a girl already.) is freaking strong. My physical strength is zero compared to her.She hits damn hard.>__<.Blade's point flew to goodness knows where when she beat my blade.Ah and she's 17th in the Round Robin ranking.I lost quite badly 06-15.BUT HEY~I really did try damn hard to get as many points as possible.Any opening I saw with my not-so-good judgement I went for it.And off-target like nobody's business.Really bad point control. Gotta train harder.Was rather proud of myself for giving my kinda best.Seem to be always eliminated in my second DE. No stamina and lack of strength. Tsk. Ginny had a super omg tough fight with the 9th rank. ( Ginny was 8th.)Won in the end 15-13.Poor her.She lost all her arm strength after that.Her second DE was against this girl Elvina said was trained to kill lefties.So poor Ginny didn't have a good time at all.With zero strength her point control was... quite bad, really.Wild.So after a really good fight she lost 11-14 because of the time-out.SHE COULD'VE WON! WITH JUST 1 MORE MINUTE SHE'LL CATCH UP!Poor Ginn was so disappointed. And rather upset.But yeah, rules are rules.She had a bye(skip a round) so she went straight to the round of 32. In other words she lost at the round of 16.Elvina totally destroyed that... REALLY SLIM girl (roflmao. AHAHAHAHA. seriously. she was about my height but probably triple of me.) who beat Xue Yun in the Round Robin. HAH! TAKE THAT MAN! (she doesn't look too much like a female herself. himself?)Small but totally mighty with strength that owns you.But she lost in the quaterfinals.Against this really.... rigid girl. From I don't know what club.Don't really care.The referee... wasn't totally awesome.If you are reading what that actually means then YES.WE DID NOT AND DO NOT LIKE HER ONE BIT.Tsk.Anyway, 06-15. If I'm not wrong.Poor Elvina was rather disappointed.WanYi Ginny XueYun wanted to shower before leaving but me and Elvina couldn't so...Waited for them to be done with their showering, packed up and left for Sumo House for dinner.At 9+pm.Alot of rubbish talks over dinner.And commotion about their ViVi.Gosh they need to stop fangirling him.He ain't that great.Sounds like a really pampered beng-ish...person to me.*gets killed if I were to use other words to replace that*Got a lift home by Ginny's dad.He is really nice (:Friendly.Apparently Ginn bullies her dad.Tsk.Got home. Bathed(DAMN THOROUGHLY WTH) and got out Counterpain and Salonpas.WOOHOO! SALONPAS ROCKS!Everybody was pasting Salonpas all around where the muscle aches.Totally abused the use of Salonpas during the competition.Tired.Shall stop here.
Friday, January 09, 2009 @ 10:14 pm
Went for a haircut!Yay~♡Really easy to style now.Anyway, just wanted to post this:From Yahoo SG news segment.'It belongs to me, no one else'
An Aussie woman who set fire to her husband's genitals will be tried for murder
This is... rather ridiculous?
Novices tomorrow. Individual event. I'm gonna get my aching butt kicked.
This is just great.
Yes, I'm totally sure I'm gonna get like what? GONNA GET TO THE FINALS THIS TIME.
No much for being confident after training.
Had the CCA Roadshow today.
Wow great response from the little ones I MEAN the Sec1s.
46 is quite a big number for fencing I guess. Means we can actually hold a proper audition...? I don't know. Don't even know when's the audition or how many people are allowed to join.
Bet they'll quit after the first term.
LOL yeah I'm darn into my CCA.
But hey, at least free-fencing is fun.
When you end with a fantastic result of 0-5 to your opponent.
Sunday, January 04, 2009 @ 3:44 pm
HUIYI'S BIRTHDAY!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY PONG~♡Sweet Sixteen ne~♡Haven't posted properly for quite some time. Nothing much happened during the holidays ah my boring life of the computer and more computer. And eating and sleeping and getting scolded.Yesterday... went out with sis to Orchard CityHall then Bugis.Supposed to buy myself some pants/clothes.Got dragged(?) to TopMan/TopShop 'cause she wanted to buy something then we were really excited over the awesome TopMan clothes. T______________T darn ex. though.Spent a great deal of time in TopMan and saw this nice wallet that had only one very scratched piece left. Didn't get it D: Have to live with the filthy one I'm using now. For two years already gosh.Went Kino to look for HuiYi's birthday present. And got really irritated LOL.Spent a LOOOOOOOOONG time walking around the manga section trying to look for 'it'.Found 'it' in the end but then questions weren't answered 'cause someone's number was 'not available' in music class. ROFLMAO. xD So left Kino empty-handed.Went back to TopMan to get the two basics sis wanted.Then got reeaaally hungry but 'cause sis had a meet-up at 1430 or so at CityHall or something then had to go there before lunch.BUT.BUT!THAT STUPID PERSON DIDN'T SHOW UP AT ALL UNTIL WE WENT BACK TO CITYLINK AT NEARLY 1600 WHERE SHE WAS HAVING LUNCH TO LOOK FOR HER. HAVING LUNCH WTH. THANKS TO HER WE STARVED FOR OVER AN HOUR.During the time we waited for that asshole the two of us went shopping around Marina Square. (boy were my legs breaking)Went to Mango to buy myself some pants.Went to TopMan/TopShop again to see if they have stock here of the cardigan that was TOTALLY AWESOME but didn't have a size small enough for us.But NO. D:SG guys are so short they can't even fit into M. XS and S all gone. Tsk.Then got myself some plain crewnecks and went back to CityLink Shokudo to look for that stupid seller. Who was at the table right behind ours.Tsk. That woman looked totally relaxed and not apologetic at all.Really felt like slapping her. But she left rather quickly after that.And we had our lunch there. Finally >_____<.Ate quickly and left for Bugis. No, not Bugis Street.Got swarmed by a throng omg the number of people is just creepy.Walked around looking at clothes from random shops then went up up up to Kino Bugis to find 'it' again.Got really tired after a while.And guess what?We went to TopMan/TopShop. AGAIN.BOUGHT A PURPLE JACKET/HOODIE! TOTALLY ROCKS!Yay~♡Rofl very into using ♡ lately. Adds an accent to one's speech.Got really exhausted so went home by train.There's this stupid woman who chionged from nowhere to grab the seat next to me so sis had to stand all the way back from Bugis.Bought BBT and reached home at about, I don't know, 1930 or something.Heh~Bathed and slept.LOL.
Awkward expression. And who's that guy in white LOL.
Made to take pictures when she spotted mirrors.
Or a reflective surface. This is quite cool though.
So many bags >__>.
Niao-ing my hair?
Thursday, January 01, 2009 @ 9:11 pm