Sunday, February 22, 2009 @ 3:18 pm
Came back from tuition less than half an hour ago.And is currently in a rage.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Travelled on Bus-Service 190 from Lot1 to the bus stop opposite the temple a.k.a the previous "school bus stop".Started pouring.Had no umbrella.Called home for Mum to bring one to me.Waited,and waited....waited.For more than 10 bloody minutes. Yes, because under normal circumstances, it'd take at most 5 minutes to walk there. Slowly.Then saw my maid, strolling nonchalantly along the path, as if she's taking a walk in the park.And there I was, chilled to the bone, feeling myself swaying with the wind, pelted with such a large number of raindrops that my jeans were soaked through.Gosh, she's just about half as smart as a zebra.I glared my murderous glare at her.Big mistake.You would've thought she mighta' speed up a little.No sir.That half-wit attempted to jog, but no, she went even slower.Awesome.How on earth did I manage to stop myself from blowing up in her face, I have no idea.And she was holding the larger umbrella, giving me one instead that does not shield my bag.My poor, 60-bucks bag, 2 months old, that is partially white and thus will get filthy thanks to rainwater.Not that the umbrella was of any use anyway.Since I was already drenched with filthy rainwater.Heck.If I'd wanted to soak myself up with rainwater, I wouldn't have called for an umbrella.Goodness gracious me. I've produced a composition.
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 4:46 pm
Been really unhappy these two weeks.Actually really wanted to rant and rant but decided against it.because everyday... nearing the end of the day in school I'll tell myself,Just give in for now.And in my mind I'll have this image of me tying a headband with the word 忍 on it.Anyway.Damn you, mosquitoes.Been receiving too many pieces of disturbing news lately.Disturbin' because never thought they were possible.So to minimise contact and conflict, I've been calming mahself down by reading during recess and in between classes.Finishing To Kill A Mockingbird soon.Didn't really understand parts of it.Gonna read The Kite Runner or Freakonomics next I guess.
Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 3:54 pm
Been a really long time since I've posted.
Just gonna share some pictures...